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If the Bible is from God, Then What?


Perception of Bible if It is from Godprevious post listed results from a Barna report on how young people today view the Bible differently from other generations.  The fourth point was that they have a . . . SKEPTICISM OF ORIGINS.

If from God, then its words hold absolute authority and we are accountable.

If not from God but of man, then it words can be ignored and we can choose whether to believe or act upon it without consequence.

Difference It Makes If We Believe the Bible is from God or Some Other Origin

Divine origin changes everything.  By definition, God is the one of whom there is none greater, none higher.  If God authored the Bible, albiet through human writers, then it has supremacy over anything else, including our own opinions and lives.

The Bible describes itself as having divine origin.  Consequently, if that part is a lie, then none of it can be trusted.

2 Timothy 3:16 refers to Scripture as “inspired by God” or “God-breathed”.  Let’s back up: The verse says “ALL Scripture is inspired by God” … all parts.

1 Corinthians 2:11, 13 emphasizes the Spirit’s involvement, stating that it is not from human wisdom.

2 Peter 1:20-21 informs us that men were merely the instruments through whom God spoke.  God spoke by His Spirit.  Man recorded.

If God is not the author, then it would have to have been written by evil men or demons.  Why?  Because the claims within it to be from God would all be lies.  But, the likelihood of evil men or demons writing a book that condemns themselves is unlikely.  So, then, what is the origin of Scripture if not God?

Can we absolutely prove its divine origin?  Probably not, but the evidence sure does stack up for it being from God.

1)  fulfilled prophecies that man could not have made happen
2)  historical facts proven to be true through archaeology
3)  consistent theme and unity throughout the Bible unlikely if sourced by a variety of people
4)  moral excellence of which is unlikely to find its origin in sinful, depraved man
5)  indestructibility of the Bible through the years of which no other book so protected
6)  ability to transform lives

In reality, skepticism of the origin of Scripture could be even deeper.  Perhaps the question is more about God Himself.  Is there a God out there who so loved the world that He left a written manuscript on how to come into a relationship with Him?  Let’s make sure we are answering the underlying questions.  Feel inadequate to answer these difficult questions? — Apologetics Resources


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