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How Much Do You Need to Understand Mental Illness to Come Along Side?


In the U.S. the first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week, established in 1990 due to the increase of mental illness.  Tuesday of that week is the National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Awareness Recovery and Understanding.

So I ask:

How much do you understand about mental illness?

How much is physiological? (i.e., chemical imbalance)

How much is psychological?   (i.e., faulty belief system)

How much is emotional?  (i.e., reaction to trauma, loss, abuse, etc.)

How much is sociological?  (i.e., conditioning, environmental)

How much is spiritual?  (i.e., result of a hardened heart, sin, or spiritual warfare)

I’m not sure that we can always know the answers to those questions which supports the need to minister to the whole person.  God made us with a body, mind, will, emotions, and a spirit and He made us a relational being.  All these areas weave together and can affect each other.

Come Alongside of People with Mental Illness by Ministering to their Whole Being
Coming Alongside of One Another with Mental Illness

If you don’t fully understand mental health issues and don’t know how to come along side of people with mental illness, just practice the “one another” commands in Scripture and treat them as whole people.

Physiological:  Encourage them to get regular physical check-ups, to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Psychological:  Help them work through faulty beliefs.

Emotional:  Comfort, support, and encourage.

Sociological:  Point the person to the power of God to break cycles.

Spiritual:  Pray for them.  Engage in a discipleship process.  Share God’s Word with them.

Just as you might not fully understand a person’s physical health issues, so you might not  be able to get a good grip on mental health issues.  That doesn’t mean you avoid them.  You still love them, accept them, and come along side as you are able.  You treat them as whole people made in the image of God and loved by Him. You view them with value as you would any other human being.


5 Replies to “How Much Do You Need to Understand Mental Illness to Come Along Side?”

  1. I thank God for being informed to this heavenly facts. Truth that ignites my faith to live as a true person and a true believer in Christ Jesus.

    • You are welcome. I can only respond with the question: Who are we to condemn one another or not accept them as they are? We all face issues of some kind, perhaps not the same, but nonetheless there, so we all need God’s grace, love, power, wisdom, etc. as we seek to navigate through life. — “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (Rom. 15:7)

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