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A Place for Near All Spiritual Gifts in VBS


Vacation Bible School requires a lot of detailed preparation in the months leading up to it. Then, at the last minute, comes a flurry of activity to set up and decorate. During the VBS program, people enjoy a Bible lesson, games, snacks, crafts and perhaps a general assembly time which all require time to prepare. Afterward comes clean-up and follow-up. With so much to do, certainly there’s a place for near all spiritual gifts in VBS.

An Effective VBS Takes a Lot of Organization and Coordination

Think of all that needs to be done: recruiting, delegating responsibilities, choosing curriculum, promoting, scheduling, planning the most effective use of the facilities and church grounds, working with the budget, etc. — Someone with the spiritual gift of administration can provide the organization needed for this ministry event.

As director of VBS, this person would do well to co-direct with someone having the gift of leadership to help him/her think outside of the box, to see all Vacation Bible School could be. People with the gift of administration could also be ones to coordinate specific aspects like crafts, games, snacks, etc.

A Variety of Spiritual Gifts are Needed to Accomplish All the Details

All Gifted for Effectual Ministry but Some Lack Evidence of Spiritual GIftingOne person, or even a handful of people, cannot do it alone if we want to experience an effective Vacation Bible School. Since spiritual gifts are God’s power for serving, it only makes sense that the more we pull on people’s gifting, the more effective VBS will be. Delegating to a broad base of people according to their spiritual gifting, should increase the potential impact of VBS.

The Ministry Handbook: Spiritual Gifts in Use, includes a page that suggests the spiritual gifts that may best fit the various tasks that need to be accomplished in VBS. The handbook is a helpful tool for determining who to recruit in other ministry areas as well, fulfilling different ministry needs.


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