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Responding to God’s Enduring Love


God's Enduring LoveIs it possible to reflect on God’s enduring love and not break out into expressions of gratitude? Psalm 136 begins and ends with “Give thanks” with reflections of God’s enduring love between.

Twenty-six times, in response to a phrase either about God’s character, creation, or work on behalf of His chosen ones, the psalmist repeats “His love endures forever.” Thanksgiving bookends these reflections.

Gratitude is the Logical Response to God’s Enduring Love

We may not always understand or fully appreciate everything there is to know about God’s character and ways but can know that at its core is His enduring love.

Examples from Psalm 136:

  • He is good (v. 1). – If He is a good God, why does He let bad things happen?
  • He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords (v. 2-4). – How can He be the One of whom there is none greater?
  • He alone does great wonders and created all things (v. 4-9). – How could He bring creation into being from nothing?

Hang on to His enduring love and despite your questions, you can “give thanks to the Lord” knowing that His love is bigger than your doubts and finite mind.

Along life’s way everything may not be pleasant or comfortable for us but we can rest in His enduring love.

Examples from Psalm 136:

  • Captivity, watching people die, traveling through the wilderness, and hard fought battles (v. 10-12, 23-24) to get to where they were going undoubtedly caused stress and anxiety.

Remember God’s enduring love in those difficult times of life and you can “give thanks to the Lord” for you will be comforted in knowing that He will never leave you or forsake you.

Sometimes things might not work out the way we thought they should or on our timetable but we can be confident in His enduring love.

Examples from Psalm 136:

  • Egyptian soldiers were behind them and the sea before, requiring God to divide the Red Sea so they could pass through (v. 13-15).
  • Prior to receiving their inheritance, they had to walk through the wilderness and engage in battles but each step of the way God provided for them so they had what they needed and won the battles (v. 16-22).

Trust in God’s enduring love when facing the impossible or waiting for Him to fulfill His promises and you can “give thanks to the Lord” in all circumstances knowing that He is always faithful even when we are faithless.

“Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.” (Ps. 136:26)


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