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Your View of Truth Matters in Ministry


Truth is Part of the Armor of God

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. (Eph. 6:14)

Truth is indispensable to the ministry worker because truth holds everything else together. It’s part of the armor of God wherein we stand our ground.

Defining the Truth of God

We will better appreciate the role of Truth in ministry when we view it as more than a concept, more than a standard, more than a system of belief, and more than something we teach.  We will hold on to it tighter when we understand that Truth is a Person.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn. 14:6). 

Consequently, Truth is not merely a standard to live up to but a Person with whom we relate.  Because Truth is a Person, any system of belief, any standards or concepts we call truth, can never contradict who He is. If it does, it is not Truth.

What Truth Does for Us in Ministry

  1. Truth guides us.  (Ps. 43:3)

    In ministry we often find ourselves at crossroads, needing to know which direction to turn.  If decisions were always about choosing between that which is good or bad, it would be much easier to know what to do.  Often, however, we must decide between that which is good and that which is better for our ministries, requiring a different discernment.  Because Truth is a Person, not just a Precept, we have Someone to turn to for help in situations that are not spelled out in the Written Word.

  2. Truth delivers us.  (Jn. 8:32)

    Initially comes our salvation but we need to daily be delivered from the sin that would so easily beset us, from Satan who would like to overtake us, and from the world that tries to entangle us.  Ministry workers are not above these entrapments.  Truth, the Person, delivers because He is all-powerful, greater than any one or any thing.  Yet, we must not lay aside the Truth of God’s Word for even Jesus found the Precepts vital to the deliverance process when He was tempted.

  3. Truth sanctifies us.  (Jn. 17:17; Titus 1:1)

    Sanctification means to be set apart … the separation of the believer from the world to God which requires that we be made holy.  It is getting the worldliness out of us and replacing it with godliness.  How easy it can be for ministry workers to be tempted to adapt worldly methodology.  We need to measure what we do against Truth and let Truth set us apart from that which is not of God.

  4. Truth is a source of peace.  (Phil. 4:8-9)

    Even in the church we sometimes find deceit and unfaithfulness which can lead to anxiety.  If you concentrate on what is true instead of looking at all the negatives in ministry, you will know that in the end, you will be okay and thereby do not have to worry and fear but rather be at peace.  In the end, truth prevails.

1 Timothy 3:15 refers to the church as “the pillar and foundation of truth.”  Now that Jesus has ascended back to heaven, the responsibility to uphold and communicate truth is passed on to us.  We must not only speak the truth as Jesus did but also live in accordance with truth as we relate with the One who is true.  We must seek out the truth in all situations.


2 Replies to “Your View of Truth Matters in Ministry”

  1. We do need to know the truth about satan in everything as he tries to confuse us in our ministry! We need to always have God to help us in everything we do, not only in ministry but as we grow in our ministry! God is always with us! In our daily walk with Him we need Him as we grow!!! In Colossians 1:6-9 it mentions the Truth as A Minister Of Christ!!! It also says we need to be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom of His will in Spiritual understanding!!! We always need to ask Jesus in our Walk with Him for His help to understand what needs to be said or done as we humbly serve Him in our ministry!!! God Bless You!!! As You Continue To Help Me!!! Leonard!!!

    • Yes, Leonard, Satan is the great deceiver, the father of lies. As John 8:44 says, “there is no truth in him.” The context of the verse at the top of this post, Eph. 6:14, is that of spiritual warfare. We need to “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” As you said, we need Jesus’ help. The passage goes on, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” It’s God’s protection we need. In ourselves, we could easily become deceived “just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning” (2 Cor. 11:3).

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