The Ministry Worker's Devotional: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Download

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As a ministry worker, do you have all the resources you need to serve?

The resources every ministry worker truly needs come out of the very character and nature of God. Each resource is like a rock upon which we can stand. Put all these rocks, or resources, together and we have a mighty fortress in our God. We just have to grab hold.
Order The Ministry Worker's Devotional, which may be reproduced to distribute within your sphere of ministry, to reflect on these resources. Scroll down for a list of the attributes.

Primarily intended for those engaged in any kind of ministry, as paid staff or as volunteers, this reproducible devotional guide will encourage ministry workers and spur them on to greater dependence on the One who has the power to give us "everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him" (2 Pet. 1:3).
The devotional can be used by individuals for personal enrichment and growth. Or, it can be used by a ministry team as part of a staff meeting. Twelve guides could provide a year's worth of devotions for monthly meetings or three month's worth of weekly meetings.

Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 36 pages, download only
Table of Contents:

Each devotion includes a one to two page encouragement about the resource followed by a worksheet for further study to learn more about that resource, zeroing in on how it relates to your ministry.

  • Grabbing Hold of His Resources
  • His Authority
  • His Faithfulness
  • His Grace
  • His Joy
  • His Love
  • His Peace
  • His Protection
  • His Son
  • His Spirit
  • His Strength
  • His Wisdom

Copying Permissions:

  • You have permission to reproduce as many copies of this resource as needed for yourself or for your group. It may not, however, be freely distributed beyond your sphere of ministry.
  • You may not put this information in any format that you would sell.
  • You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.

About the Download:

This devotional is only available as a PDF download.

Adobe Reader is required to open the resource.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.

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