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The Greatest Gift a Father Can Give His Children

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When updating the Father’s Day Resources Page, I came across a couple quotes I’d like to pass along that leads to the greatest gift a father can give his children.

Quotes for Fathers Leading to the Greatest Gift a Father Can Give His Children

A Father’s Day bulletin and bookmark with the same message quotes Oswald Chambers:

“The destiny of every human being depends on his relationship to Jesus Christ. It is not on his relationship to life, or to his service or his usefulness, but simply and solely on his relationship to Jesus Christ.”

So often men tend to find their worth in achievements and how well they fulfill their roles or positions in life  … like fatherhood.  This quote emphasizes that what matters most is that you know Christ.  That leads me to the next message I came across on another bulletin and bookmark which only makes sense if the father has that relationship with Jesus.

“The greatest gift a father can give his children is to walk in the footsteps of God.”

The father’s example will leave a much greater impact on his children than words alone could ever do.  A Pass It On Card provides an acronym for what it will take:

D.A.D. – Dedicated And Devoted

When fathers are first and foremost dedicated and devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ they will be to their children what they should be.  What greater gift could a father give than to be an example of someone who knows and loves the Lord?


2 Replies to “The Greatest Gift a Father Can Give His Children”

  1. Fathers must walk like Christ, the Son of God. We as Christians must come to God our Father like children (sons and daughters). We must be clear we are a people with a divine heritage, and our true character is godly (ness) through the blood of Jesus. The Father and the Son are one, but it is the Promised Holy Spirit that brings us into communion with Them. We as parents must keep our vows to God so our Son and Daughters will know that they are of the Heritage of His Promise Seed. — Thank you Ministry Tools for all you do in Christ.


    • Thanks, Lezah. Yes, Christ is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his (the Father’s) being” (Heb. 1:3). So, when Ephesians 5:1 says, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children,” we are talking about Christ-like qualities. That verse confirms what you wrote about doing so as His children. What greater heritage (gift) can a human father leave his children than to be found in Christ and live like he belongs to God through His power!

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