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Your View of the Goodness of God Matters in Ministry


Taste and See the Goodness of God

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. (Ps. 34:8)

Our View of the Goodness of God is Critical to Thriving in Ministry

When we consider what we have as a result of God’s goodness, we begin to realize how critical it is.

  1. Perspective comes from His goodness.

A good God works good in all things (Rom. 8:28) so you don’t have to fear, doubt, or worry even if you don’t understand what is happening.  No matter how hard ministry may get, even if others wrongly come against you or obstacles stand in your way, you don’t have to despair.  You can know His goodness lies ahead.  “I am still confident of this,” the psalmist said, “that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13).  Because of His goodness, you can have hope which leads to perspective.

  1. Provision comes from His goodness.

“The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Ps. 34:10).  “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him” (Matt. 7:11). God knows what you most need and when you need it.  He looks at the big picture and will bring about what is best in the best timing and way.  You can “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” truly believing that all you need “will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33).

  1. Pardon for sin comes from His goodness.

Be honest.  You do not always control your words, reactions, use of time, etc. in ways that honor God in ministry.  You sometimes sin.  You make wrong choices. If you didn’t have a good God, you may as well give up.  Wrapped up in His goodness is mercy and forgiveness.  He may not remove the consequences of your sin because He is also just but He will forgive you and give you grace to cope with the consequences.

  1. Protection comes from His goodness.

God gave you His Word to instruct and direct you.  His commandments are good (Rom. 7:12) and they are for your good (Deut. 10:13) because they come from a good God.  A good God isn’t going to lead you down the wrong path.  When you understand this your prayer will be as the psalmist’s in Psalm 143:10 — “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

Out of His goodness come the perspective, provision, pardon, and protection you need to not only continue on but to thrive in ministry.

Your view of God’s goodness matters in ministry but so do His other attributes. Get alphabetical listings of His attributes in the Our Great God from A to Z Discipleship Tool Download.


4 Replies to “Your View of the Goodness of God Matters in Ministry”

  1. I agree completely in what you say!!! As you say, God Is Good even though we might sometimes not understand why some things happen there is always a reason. As I was reading the Bible today I read 2 Cor. 12:7-10 and it told me why God wasn’t healing something I had on my body. It said that His Power shows up best in weak people. I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power!!! God has given me a thorn to make me weak and the weak are stronger through this. As it says in verse 8, I did pray for healing of this thorn more than once and didn’t receive healing of this thorn that He allowed me to have. This was a blessing instead of a bad thing!!! In 12:10 it says (When I Am weak, I Am strong). I am so glad that I can talk to you on this blog!!! Leonard

    • How true, Leonard. When we truly believe God is good, the perspective you shared becomes so much easier to accept … that whatever God allows in our lives is “a blessing instead of a bad thing.” I like the words of a song I once heard that say something to the effect of when you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.

  2. What a blessing to wake and read! I feel led to apply this to my day’s events and environments. I say God is Good so I listen and learn.

    • Praise God! As you “listen and learn” I am sure His goodness will become evident. Sometimes our eyes are so focused on the bad in this world or what is wrong with the church that we miss out on the good that comes from a Good God. Reflecting on the goodness of God is a great way to start the day.

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