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Leaders & Church Growth


The three different types of leaders in the church, based on spiritual gifting, will have different perspectives or approaches to church growth. Read through the Leadership Ministry Training to gain a better understanding of these leaders.

Types of Church Leaders
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Not all leaders will fit precisely into one of these types due to the combination of others gifts and/or their personalities. Yet, many leaders can see themselves in one of these categories. When that is the case, they should seek to network with other types of leaders to broaden their perspective so they approach church growth from God’s intent.

How Different Types of Leaders Approach Church Growth

Visionary Leaders tend to want to grow the church by developing new approaches.

Administrative Leaders tend to work at fine-tuning or fixing what we’re currently doing to be ready for growth.

Pastoral Leaders tend to focus on meeting people’s needs more than being concerned with church growth efforts.

Developing new ministry initiatives that could lead to growth is important. Properly maintaining the good currently being done is important. Meeting people’s needs is important. — Is it little wonder God so gifted the church that there are three different types of leaders? He intends for the church to do all three of these important tasks but we must work interdependently with one another. We need each other if the church is to grow.

Church Growth is one of 15 leader responsibilities looked at in the Balance in Church Leadership Based on Spiritual Gifting. In addition to the tendencies of the different kinds of leaders mentioned in this post, it also suggests what they must be careful of in order to keep the needed balance when it comes to church growth.

For more:  Church Leaders Practicum on Church Growth


7 Replies to “Leaders & Church Growth”

  1. Who devised these “categories” of church leaders? Why not stick to the Biblical approach to church leadership? Pastors are supposedly “called” by God and given the spiritual gift of pastoring/shepherding, while a requisite plurality of Bishop/Elders (church authority over spiritual matters) and Deacons (church authority over temporal matters) of the church. The church should not be run as a “business”, making decisions as if their “stock value” is dependent upon Wall Street analysts. There’s no wonder that these types of churches end up leaning towards liberal progressivism which will ultimately fall under The Anti-Christ in a one-world religion. If you can’t see it then get out of the “Jesus” business.

    • God Himself provides the Church with three different types of leaders as seen in His Word based on the spiritual gifts He has given. If you look at the Greek word used for each of these gifts, you will see that they each bring a unique approach. You do not often find all three gifts in any one leader whether they be in the position of pastors, elders, deacons, or any other leadership role.
      — Leadership (Rom. 12:8)
      — Administration (1 Cor. 12:28)
      — Pastor (Eph. 4:11)

      We need to make a distinction between the positions or roles a leader fulfills (structures) and their spiritual gifts (God’s empowerment to do ministry). Leaders’ spiritual gifts will affect their approach to the role they fill but they should all be working for the common good (1 Cor. 12:7). Health and balance come when all work in cooperation with one another.

      If we are going to guard against the church running as a “business” we must function within God’s design which includes people with different spiritual gifts each doing their part (Eph. 4:16) according to God’s power and grace (1 Cor. 12:6; Rom. 12:6).

      • Good distinction between structure (roles, positions) and empowerment (spiritual gifts). Without God’s empowerment doesn’t much matter what kind of structure you have.

    • Think about God’s exhortation about “speaking the truth in love” brother Winston!!! Many of comments I read by you wreak harshness also maybe some bitterness. People hear what you say better when not so in your face man. “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person GENTLY. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.” – Galatians 6:1 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” – Ephesians 4:2 “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” – 2 Timothy 2:24

  2. Believe me when I say that this article and its sister articles have been a Godsend. I am now filled with valuable knowledge hitherto unknown. God bless you! Please continue the good work and do not allow detractors to deter you.

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