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Leading Types of Spiritual Gifts


God has gifted some to communicate His Word, some to do acts of service, and others to lead them. Here we will look at the leading types of spiritual gifts which include the following. Click on the gifts to learn where these gifts are listed in Scripture and possible definitions. (Use the browser’s back button to return to this post.)

Leading Types of Spiritual Giftsadministration

Each of these leading types of spiritual gifts have a different orientation and therefore provide a different kind of leadership.

The Ministry Handbook: Spiritual Gifts in Use will help you understand these leadership types of gifts better. It will give insight into other gifts as well and will help you know who to recruit for various ministries based on gifting.

For a look at the practical outworking of these different kinds of leaders based on spiritual gifting, check out these articles:

Leaders & Change Management
Leaders & Church Discipline
Leaders & Church Growth

God’s instruction for those with leading types of gifts:

Regardless of a leader’s spiritual gifting, all must yield to God’s power and guidance. None are exempt from the instructions for elders in 1 Peter 5:1-4 to be “shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them –

  1. not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; — joy in serving, not complaining
  2. not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; — selfless, not self-serving
  3. not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. — leading by example, not control

For Help Using Leading Types of Spiritual Gifts:


2 Replies to “Leading Types of Spiritual Gifts”

  1. I am attending a church and hopefully will join in the near future that seems to have all the basis covered very well. I think the ministry has caused the membership to use their gifts which is wonderful. I just don’t see where my spiritual gifts can be used right now. I am thinking to be patient and wait for God to fit me in somewhere. My gifts are encouragement, service and mercy. I am trying to find ways to use these gifts in this church. Just seems like so many people have filled all the needs that I can see. Does that happen in churches or is there always room for your gifts?

    • Hello, P. Tefft. How good that you are attending a church that encourages people to use their spiritual gifts! If this is where God wants you, I am sure there is some way you can be serving. In most churches I know they are always looking for people to serve in various capacities.

      Let me suggest a few things you might do:

      1) Keep praying about what God would have you do. Remember verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 where we are exhorted to trust in the Lord with all of who we are and He will direct our paths.

      2) Learn what you can about the spiritual gifts you have to help you see the many different possibilities of how they might be used. Perhaps there are ways to serve in your church you are not considering.
      You put your comment on a post about leading types of gifts so I am not sure if you have been to the pages that relate to the gifts you mentioned. You’ll find an overview here: Serving Types of Spiritual Gifts While the gift of exhortation (encouragement) could be used in some sort of speaking / teaching type of ministry, it could also be used while doing acts of service (mercy, service), backing up what you are doing with words of encouragement. For examples of how the gifts might be used, check out:

      You can also find help on how different gifts might be used by going to: Ministry Areas Using Your Spiritual Gifts Look for your gifts in the list on that page and click on the links to go to the different types of ministries that use the gifts.

      As you will see, if you go to all these above mentioned pages, there are many different ways to use your gifts.

      3) Find out what kinds of ministries your church has that lines up with your particular gifts. Continue to pray that God would give you a passion for serving in the place that fits the gifts He has given you.

      4) Set up a meeting with either the pastor or leaders in charge of those ministries. Just because it seems they have bases covered well, doesn’t mean all the needs are being met. They may still need people to serve that you aren’t aware of. There may be people filling in because the need was there but it’s not really their fit. There may be more things they would like to do but aren’t because they don’t have people to do it. There may be people overworked because they don’t have enough people to serve who would welcome some relief.

      If you do join the church in the near future, it is possible they will have a new members class in which they talk about ways you can serve. Churches that emphasize using your spiritual gifts often use these classes to talk about how you can serve.

      Also remember that you don’t need an official position of ministry to use your spiritual gifts. With the gift mix you have, there are many ways you can assist people in need. Be observant. Be open to the prompting of the Spirit to reach out to people around you in practical and encouraging ways.

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