Christian Education Ministry Staffing

Staff Positions Needed in Building a Team of Leaders & Other Workers for Your Christian Education Ministry:

The following positions are important to Christian Education ministry. Depending on the size of your church, some of these positions may be combined but the work described needs to be accomplished. Other than the first one, you will need more than one person doing many of these functions. How many will depend on the size of your church and the number of strategies you have in place. The names given below are according to function and so your titles may differ but what they represent must be accomplished for a strong Christian Education ministry.

The Big Picture Person

Function: oversees the total Christian Education ministry

The Coordinators

Function: manage and maintain a program or strategy to achieve the goals for which it was established

The Implementers

Function: work on the details needed to accomplish goals and strategies as delegated to them by their coordinator

The Researchers

Function: provide information needed upon which to make wise decisions

The Prayer Partners

Function: envelop the ministry, workers, and participants in prayer

The Trainers

Function: equip people to effectively accomplish whatever responsibility they have

The Shepherds

Function: disciple others through teaching, counseling, mentoring, or other discipleship measures

The Shepherds' Helpers

Function: assist the shepherds in ways that will free the shepherds' time so they can keep focused on teaching and discipleship

The Christian Education Ministry Manual further characterizes these positions along with suggestions of spiritual gifts to look for in the person and a simple manual scoring spiritual gifts test, which you are permitted to copy, that assesses the most commonly used spiritual gifts in Christian Education Ministry.
Also to Read on Christian Education Ministry Staffing: What to Look for in People When Building your Christian Education Ministry Team
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Christian Education Ministry Resources

Need a big picture perspective and biblical principles for coordinating the Christian Education ministry in the church? Order the Christian Education Ministry Manual.
Want to work at getting your Christian Education leadership team on the same page? Order the Christian Education Leadership Team Training.
Looking for some guidelines and resources to administrate the Christian Education ministry of your church? Order the Christian Education Files.

Better yet, order the Christian Education Ministry Bundle which includes all three of these resources.