Recruitment of Volunteers Serving for the Right Reasons

Effective recruitment of volunteer church and ministry workers depends on what you believe about why people should serve and what to do about their reasons for not serving.

Results of a Poll
Taken on This Site

Reasons church leaders have heard the most for people not serving:

  • too busy - 42%
  • bad past experience - 11%
  • too many family pressures - 11%
  • don't want to be tied down - 9%
  • don't know what there is to do - 7%
  • feel unqualified - 7%
  • need fellowship myself - 4%
  • never asked - 4%
  • already served my time - 4%
  • fear of failure - 1%
  • fear of being used - 0%
  • health problems - 0%

Why People Don't Serve

Sometimes the reasons are legitimate for why people don't serve but sometimes they are merely excuses. What reasons have you heard? A survey was taken on this site to see what top excuses the church at large is giving for not serving. Look at the results.

The Staffing Ministry Manual provides some input on how to handle excuses.

More important to the recruiting process than why people don't serve is why they should serve. What you believe regarding why people should be involved will affect the way you recruit. What people believe regarding why they should serve will affect the passion, priority, performance level, and perseverance people put into serving.

Serving for the Wrong Reasons

Some of these reasons are subtle. You may not acknowledge them as the reason but deep down it may be what you believe; it may be what is truly motivating you or others.

  • Guilt
  • Personal Satisfaction
  • Please People
  • Pride
  • Reward

Volunteers Serving for Good Reasons

All of the following reasons have some biblical basis. These things should matter to people. The question is if they should be the primary focus for serving.

  • Accountability
  • Appreciation to God
  • Give glory to God
  • Obedience
  • Please God

Recruitment is Most Effective When You Find Volunteers Serving for not just the Right Reasons but the Best Reason

Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love Him with all of who we are and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:36-40). Galatians 5:13-14 reads, "You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Consequently, the greatest reason for serving must be:

  • Love

Think about the implications for recruitment. The Staffing Ministry Manual provides some additional input about how the reasons for why people do and don't serve might affect recruitment, as well as some keys to effective recruitment.