How to Use a Church Purpose Statement

To Use Use a Church Purpose Statement to Lead You Closer to God's Purposes:

  1. Admit there is a need and commit to change.
  2. Pray for understanding. Continue to bathe the process in prayer.
  3. Learn from others and from different perspectives.
  4. Develop or dust off your statement of purpose. While you want to learn from others, be sure your statement is tailored to God's work there.
  5. Lay the foundation with the leadership team. Make sure they understand it and that there is unity among you. Go through the statement point by point. Keep revisiting it, especially when there is a change in leadership.
  6. Encourage all staff, paid and volunteer, to align their ministries with the church-wide purpose.
  7. Build an awareness within the Body as a whole. Consistently communicate your purpose.
  8. Use the statement of purpose to govern the church's decisions and practices.

Order the Church Purpose Ministry Manual for suggestions that will help you further progress through the above steps. You will also find input on the difference between a purpose statement and a vision statement and how the purpose statement drives the vision.
Also Read: Tips for Using Your Church Purpose Statement

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