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Ministry Isn’t Always Fair!


We know life isn’t always fair, but ministry???? Shouldn’t we be able to expect ministry to be fair? Shouldn’t Christians be different than the world?

Reality Check about Fairness in Ministry

If we go into ministry expecting everything to be perfect, we’ll be in for some major disappointments. There will undoubtedly be times when …

we do most of the work and others are recognized more than us.

we get accused of something we never said or did.

we come up with the idea and someone else gets credit for it.

we are allocated less money in the budget to our area than a less established program.

etc., etc.

We must go into ministry knowing that we are serving alongside of fellow human beings who, like us, aren’t perfect. But, we must also know that we serve a God who is always just.

A Just God Even When Ministry Isn’t Fair

We serve a just God who sees all and knows all and always does what is right.

A Just God Though Ministry Isn't Always Fair
He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. (Deut. 32:4)

God may not step into the situation immediately with judgment and correction, but eventually He will right the wrongs. Perhaps we will never see what He does. He may wait until heaven. God is under no obligation to respond to our questions about His ways and timing in exercising His justice. (Take time to read Job 38-42 for God’s response to Job’s “why” questions.) But, we can trust Him to see the big picture and work for our good (Rom. 8:28). He not only has the knowledge and wisdom to know the right timing and way to take care of matters (Isa. 55:9), but He also has the ability to do that which is right and best.

What God Expects of Us in Unfair Situations

Though others may not be fair, God still wants us to do what is right and just. — “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” (Prov. 21:3) We’re accountable before Him for what we do. And, there will be a day of accounting for those who do us wrong. We don’t have to avenge ourselves.

When we truly believe in a just God, we’re able to let go of resentment, revenge, and regret when ministry isn’t fair. When we keep the focus on serving out of love for God and others, we don’t need life and ministry to be fair. It’s when we make it about ourselves, that we struggle. When, however, it isn’t all about ourselves, we can wait for God’s “well done good and faithful servant” knowing that “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you helped his people …” (Heb. 6:10).


2 Replies to “Ministry Isn’t Always Fair!”

  1. It was my first time to use ministry,and I have learned alot.God bless you for the good work that you are doing.

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