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School as a Mission Field ?????


Christ's Ambassadors with School as a Mission Field
As children and teenagers head back to school, as well as young people to college, they have increased opportunity for outreach, to share Jesus Christ with their friends, to be a witness in word and deed. But, do they see school as a mission field? … a place to reach out and share Jesus Christ as His ambassador?

Difficulty Seeing School as a Mission Field

It isn’t easy for kids to take a stand unpopular with so many of their peer. (Let’s be honest: It isn’t easy for adults either!) We live in a volatile world that doesn’t look favorably upon what Christians believe. Fear of ridicule and rejection makes witnessing seem overwhelming and stressful. Then, on top of that, we have government regulations and school policies setting limitations on what they can do.

How Can We Help Kids Reach Out in Their Schools?

Recognizing the difficulties of viewing school as their mission field, we need to come alongside of students with the support they need. Here are six ways we can do that:

1) Disciple, or train, them on how to reach out.

Feeling better equipped in knowing how and where to start can alleviate some of the insecurities they might feel.

Resource: Discipling Students in Outreach Worksheet

2) Prepare them by including apologetics in your Bible teaching plan.

Having a better understanding of some of the hard to understand issues, will enable them to be more ready to answer questions and objections they will undoubtedly face. (1 Pet. 3:15)

For Help, Go To: Apologetics Resources

3) Pray for them consistently and let them know you’re standing with them in prayer.

Sensing this kind of support from others encourages them.

4) Pray with them, not just for them.

Taking them to the throne of grace where they’ll find the help they need (Heb. 4:16) serves as a reminder of God’s power available to them.

5) Be a role model, letting them see the adults in their lives sharing Jesus with others in their mission fields (i.e., neighborhood, workplace, unsaved family).

Hearing reports of God’s activity as we witness in our spheres of influence helps them gain a realistic perspective of how life in Christ infiltrates all we do as believers.

To Read: Making an Eternal Difference in the Workplace?

6) Encourage them to get involved in some sort of on-going campus ministry.

Knowing they’re not alone can give them added boldness.

For some popular campus ministries, go to: Back to School Resources

7) Provide tools and resources to help them.

Having something in their hands can help them feel more ready when opportunities come:

Ideas: Tools for Teachers to Share the Gospel (same tools listed in this article could be good for students to use)

The bottom line?
Don’t just tell kids they should be witnesses at school. Help them in practical ways to be ready.


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