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Spiritual Growth Levels: Ministering to Spiritual Adults

Spiritual Growth of AdultsWe start as spiritual infants, quite insecure in our walk, and then move into childhood wherein we have grown but are still quite self-centered in our approach to the Christian life. As adolescents we truly want to be Christ-like but struggle to bridge the gap. Continuing to grow, we become more consistent and mature . . . SPIRITUAL ADULTS.

Spiritual Adulthood Described

1)  They constantly use the Word of God, saturating themselves in it.  As a result, they have a good moral compass, able to make choices that line up with Scripture. (Heb. 5:14; 1 Jn. 2:14)

2)  They build on what they already know.  As a result, they go deeper with the Lord. (Heb. 6:1)

3)  They have learned to find their strength in the Lord.  As a result, they are overcomers.  (1 Jn. 2:14)

4)  They have persevered through the difficult times.  As a result, they have acquired all the tools needed to make it through life. (James 1:4)

5)  They view life through the lens of who they are and what they have in Christ.  As a result, they maintain perspective. (Phil. 3:7-15)

6)  They avail themselves of all means of getting to know Jesus better.  As a result, they are Christ-like in their attitudes, words, and actions. (Eph. 4:13)

Ministering to Spiritual Adults

  • They need to be spiritually stimulated. Be careful that you are not always planning according to the lowest spiritual level in your group. You do not want to discourage their quest by boring or stifling them.
  • They need to continually be stretched so they do not plateau.  One of the best ways to stretch them is to encourage and challenge them to invest what they have learned into helping others mature . . . to become spiritual parents.

(If you are a Bible teacher, you can learn more about ministering to spiritual adults, along with those in the other growth levels, using The Teacher’s Role in Discipling Students Toward Spiritual Growth resources.)


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