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What are Examples of the Spiritual Disciplines?


Since the Bible does not use the term “spiritual disciplines” we can’t point to an activity or practice and say “God says this is a spiritual discipline.” Rather, we can only look at that which He says will help us get to know and love Him better, to grow in our relationship with Him.

Examples of Spiritual Disciplines Could be That to Which Scripture Exhorts Us to Be Devoted:

A good starting place could be Acts 2:42-47 where we read of the early church not only engaging in certain practices but being devoted to them. Acts 2:42 begins, “They devoted themselves to” and then lists the following activities:

1) God’s Word (Matt. 4:4; 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

2) Fellowship (Rom. 12:10; Heb. 10:24-25)

3) Prayer (Col. 4:2)

4) Worship (Jn. 4:23- 24; Rom. 12:1)

5) Benevolence (Titus 3:8, 14)

Are there other spiritual disciplines?

Some authors on books about spiritual disciplines add even more spiritual activities to the list. Since we don’t even find the term “spiritual disciplines” mentioned in the Bible, we must guard against getting dogmatic about what to include. We do, however, need to find a biblical basis for it. If our objective in practicing spiritual disciplines is to foster and deepen our love relationship with the Lord, we must approach it through means He endorses in accordance with His Word.

Getting Spiritually Fit with Examples of Spiritual DisciplinesThe Getting Spiritually Fit Discipleship Tool provides some instruction on each of the above listed examples of what might be considered to be spiritual disciplines, as well as a list in chart form of other possibilities indicating how them might lead to, be a part of, or result from time spent in the Word, fellowship, prayer, worship, or benevolence.


4 Replies to “What are Examples of the Spiritual Disciplines?”

  1. I enjoyed taking your spiritual gift test and your teachings on various subjects to help me grow spiritually. Thank you and God Bless You!!

  2. Thanks for sharing. The Bible does not need to use the phrase spiritual disciplines. But they are listed in Ephesians chapter 6. These are the weapons of warfare.

    • You are welcome, Peter Afangideh. God does certainly equip us in many ways to not only get to know Him better but also to live for Him. We have an enemy who wants to keep us from that objective. Praise God He provides us with spiritual armor as you mentioned being listed in Ephesians 6. In Him we have all we need. — “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Pet. 1:3)

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