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Churches, Help Grandparents Leave a Positive Legacy


One of the best ways churches can do their part to help the next generation learn about God is to equip parents to bring up their children “in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). But, let’s not end there. Let’s also equip grandparents in their role. Churches can help grandparents leave a positive legacy.

Churches Help Grandparents Leave a Positive Legacy on the Next Generation

Churches, Help Grandparents Leave a Positive Legacy by Strategically Planning to Equip and Encourage Them

When we consider the potential influence of grandparents on their grandchildren now and for their future, certainly as a church we should do what we can to help grandparents positively impact their grandchildren’s lives. Use the following questions to assess what you’re currently doing to equip grandparents in their role. Determine what more you can do to strategically plan for it to happen.

  • In what ways does your church intentionally build up, equip, and encourage grandparents to leave a positive legacy? (i.e., classes, special speakers, reading material, support groups, etc.)
  • What kind of structures have you put in place that provide opportunity for the younger generation to learn from grandparents? (i.e., giving opportunity for them to share in the worship service, pulling on their wisdom through teaching and mentoring of the younger generation, interviewing them, including their stories in newsletters or blogs, etc.)
  • How does you church honor grandparents in special ways throughout the year, not just on one special day? (i.e., verbal recognition, small gifts, praying for them, making a display to recognize them, a special luncheon, having grandchildren make a card or craft to give to them, asking grandchildren to testify to how God has used their grandparents in their lives, etc.)

Go to: Resources on Grandparenting


4 Replies to “Churches, Help Grandparents Leave a Positive Legacy”

    • Good point, Pastor Ed. There are so many different situations grandparents can find themselves in. For some, like you wrote, they practically raise their grandchildren. Others must do grandparenting from a distance with occasional visits (i.e., by phone, video chat, etc.). Then there are those who have been alienated from their grandchildren due to grievances between the adult family members. If we, as a church, are going to effectively encourage and equip grandparents, then we must realize that a “one size fits all” approach won’t always work.

        • Sadly there are these kinds of situations and they can be quite hurtful. Remember that no one can stop you from doing one of the most important things grandparents can do for their grandchildren — pray for them. Something else you can do is to guard your own reactions by not repaying evil for evil and, “if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. 12:17). You don’t know what the grandchildren may or may not be hearing or seeing so the example of your life can make a major impact. — This is the kind of situation churches truly have opportunity to be supportive by praying with and for the grandparent and providing counsel as needed.

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