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People Helping Ministries: Who Should Be Involved


Training Category: People Helping Ministry

All believers are called to come alongside of other people to help in time of need. Check out: Reasons to Help

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (Gal. 6:10)

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Heb. 13:16)

Yet, there will be those who, by virtue of their spiritual gifting, should focus their time, energy, and resources into helping ministries above and beyond that of other believers.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men. (1 Cor. 12:4-6)

Spiritual Gifts Those Involved in People Helping Ministries Might Have:

Click on links below to learn more about the various ways to help people using the different spiritual gifts.






As people with these spiritual gifts come along side of others to help in practical ways, showing the compassion and love of Christ to those in need, they must realize that sometimes in addition to “deeds” of kindness, what people need is for someone to simply “be” there with them. People helpers would therefore do well to sharpen their listening skills regardless of what role they take in helping others.

Some people may not have the primary people helping spiritual gifts but may nonetheless have a passion toward these areas or toward people in need. They could fulfill leadership or administrative roles within these ministries. They could be teaching and training others to do the work. They could be praying for the ministry. These believers may not be in regular contact with the people in need but still hold integral roles in this kind of ministry.

People Helping Ministry Manual

The People Helping Ministry Manual includes the above content plus a simple spiritual gifts test that assesses only the gifts primarily used in a people helping ministry … the five spiritual gifts mentioned above. You’ll also find definitions for each of these gifts with possible uses in this kind of ministry.


2 Replies to “People Helping Ministries: Who Should Be Involved”

    • How good that you wish to help others, DeAnn. Ministry Tools Resource Center is primarily an online equipping/training ministry so we do not have any structures in place to take on volunteer, or paid staff, for helping types of ministries. Let me suggest that you check with your local churches. Also, depending on just what kind of help you hope to offer, you might want to check with nearby rescue missions. Beyond getting involved locally, you might want to check with Christian relief agencies, like Samaritans Purse, for opportunities they have available. Your spiritual gifts and the people to whom you seem to be most drawn could determine the specific type of ministry you connect with.

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