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Passionate Prayer Rooted in Knowledge


Training Category: Prayer Ministry

Passionate prayer is more than emotion. Our zeal needs to be combined with and rooted in knowledge so we don’t mistakenly interpret how God is working through our prayers.

Passionate Prayer Rooted in Knowledge

When passion grows out of knowledge — both head and heart knowledge, we find that we have a reason to be enthused about prayer that transcends our feelings and circumstances. We don’t get discouraged when God answers differently than the way we might have hoped. We realize how much better His ways are than our ways. As we learn to know Him better, we find ourselves turning to Him more with increasing reliance and anticipation.

Passionate Prayer Rooted in Knowledge of God

When what we know in our minds to be true about God sinks into a heart knowledge, we can’t help but be passionate in prayer. Realizing that who He is affects how He responds to our prayers, tends to build within us an excitement and anticipation.

  1. knowledge of who He is: His character

God is fully capable of answering our prayers.

  1. knowledge of how He works: His ways

God cares about us. Our good is at the core of His love for us and will affect how He answers our prayers.

  1. knowledge of what He says: His Word

God will always be consistent with His Word in the way He responds to prayer.

The Prayer Ministry Manual guides you in reflecting on these three points to further develop your passion in prayer.



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