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Our Critical Need of the Holy Spirit in Ministry


Ministry can get quite difficult and messy at times. It doesn’t always go the way we hope it would. Yet, with the Holy Spirit in ministry, these realities do not have to discourage, disillusion, or overwhelm us.

12 Ministry Realities Showing our Critical Need of the Holy Spirit in Ministry

Contrast the trying situations we might face in ministry with the work of Spirit. Our need for he Holy Spirit is undeniable.

  1. Ministry can be a lonely place sometimes.  Because of the Holy Spirit within us, we are never alone.  (Jn. 14:16)
  1. Ministry brings us in conflict with a relativistic world.  Because of the Holy Spirit, we can have peace knowing that we have faithfully presented God’s Word and it is up to the Spirit of Truth to convince people of it.  (Jn. 14:17)
  1. Ministry quickly shows us that we do not have all the answers.  Because of the Spirit, we can still step out in confidence, knowing that He will help us, guide us, and teach us.  (Jn. 14:26; 16:13)
  1. Ministry often comes with a set of critics, even when we are doing everything right.  Because of the Spirit, we can believe that God will still use us as we do what we know HE wants us do to.  We can be okay knowing that it is the Spirit’s job to work in their hearts.  (Jn. 15:26; Rom. 15:13; Eph. 4:1-4)
  1. Ministry doesn’t always yield immediate results.  Because of the Spirit, we don’t have to feel like failures if we are lining up with Him.  It is His job to convict people of their need to change.  We can be easily fooled by appearances, but the Spirit knows what is in people’s hearts and can meet them there.  (Jn. 16:7-8)
  1. Ministry has a learning curve.  Because of the Spirit, we have the potential of learning what we need to know. Because of His guidance, God will be glorified.  (Jn. 16:13-14)
  1. Ministry opens many unfamiliar doors.  Because of the Spirit, we can have power to walk through those doors and show people how the Gospel meets all their needs.  (Acts 1:8)
  1. Ministry brings us face to face with issues about which we don’t know what to do or even how to pray.  Because of the Spirit, God has us covered.  He will pray for us when we can’t.  (Rom. 8:26-27)
  1. Ministry can be perplexing.  Because of the Spirit, we can receive insight into the heart and mind of God to know how to apply His Word to a given situation.  (1 Cor. 2:10-12)
  1. Ministry stands in contrast to the ways of the world.   Because of the Spirit, we can stay true to God’s ways, leaving the results to Him.  We can come to terms with the fact that not everyone will accept what we do or say because they do not have the Spirit within them.  Some will see it as pure foolishness.  (1 Cor. 2:13-14)
  1. Ministry can be demanding and can quickly drain us if we aren’t careful.  Because of the Spirit, we have a power source outside of ourselves that enables us to persevere under pressure.  (Eph. 3:16; 1 Cor. 12:7-11)
  1. Ministry comes with its own set of temptations.  Because of the Spirit, we can say no to the flesh and respond in Christ-like ways.  (Gal. 5:16-25)

In light of this, are you relying on the Holy Spirit? Are you walking in the Spirit?

The Holy Spirit and My Teaching Devotional
Are you a teacher of God’s Word? The Holy Spirit and Your Teaching Devotional applies truths about the Holy Spirit specifically to teaching.

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