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Church Board Meetings Reflecting What You Say You Want?


Church Board Meetings

How you spend your time in board meetings needs to reflect the kind of board and church you want to be.  If you want to be a certain way, then ask how much time you spend doing that which gets you there.

  • You want a Spirit-led board.  –  How much of your time is spent in prayer?
  • You want to align with God.  –  How much of your time is spent with God’s Word?
  • You want to be “like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose” (Phil. 2:1-3).   –  How much of your time is spent in true fellowship with one another?
  • You want to fulfill God’s purposes for the Church.  –  How much of your time is spent measuring decisions against the church’s purpose?

Spend Time in Board Meetings on What’s Important

You might ask how you can spend time in prayer, look at God’s Word, share with one another, and take time to be purposeful and accomplish everything else that needs to be on the agenda.

Consider the possibility that the more time spent in these ways, the less time it will take to get through the agenda.  Why?  Because you will have opened yourself to God’s heart and ways more and potentially be able to tap into His will quicker.

When minimal time is spent praying, studying the Word, engaging in body life and actively pursuing God’s purposes, more time will be spent discussing, debating, quarreling, etc. to arrive at decisions.  You will be less unified and more prone to missing God’s desires for your church.

Be sure to visit the Train Church Leaders Practicum where specific issues like Church Board Meetings are examined in light of the basics of life in Christ. Also, you’ll find this post included in the Steering the Church Toward God’s Purposes Leadership Guide.


3 Replies to “Church Board Meetings Reflecting What You Say You Want?”

    • To be sure, we need the Spirit to be growing the fruit within us that enables us to consistently live out who we are in Christ and how we know He wants us to be. Thanks.

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