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Great Yet Approachable


Take a few moments to think about the God of the Bible. Therein we read about a God who is great yet approachable. From the beginning chapters in Genesis we find a God great enough to create the heavens and earth along with animals and people to populate it. This same God would walk with Adam and Eve in the garden and talk with them until they sinned against Him. Yet, we continue to read throughout Scripture of a great God desirous of a relationship with people, so much so that He sent Jesus so we could be reconciled to Him and live with God throughout eternity (2 Cor. 5:17-21). Scripture concludes with the book of Revelation where we see Him as an awesome and powerful Judge who triumphs over death, Satan, and all else, and reigns supreme. Though this book serves as a warning from a great God, it also ends with a gracious invitation. — “‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” (Rev. 22:17)

A Great God

God who is Great Yet Approachable
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To be God, He would have to be great — but how great? Certainly He would have to be more powerful than any other force and wiser than the wisest of men or spiritual beings. Scripture describes His greatness and understanding as that which no one can fathom — unfathomable (Ps. 145:3; Isa. 40:28). Read previous articles about His greatness and the difference it makes when we view Him as such:

We could have a large number of expert theologians form a symposium to lecture us on different aspects of God and barely scratch the surface. We could spend a lot of time studying about His character and ways, yet in reality know so little. That’s how great He is!

A God Who is Great Yet Approachable

But, here’s the thing. In all of His unfathomable greatness, the God of the Bible is approachable, having made a way for us to be in fellowship with Himself through Jesus Christ. We can communicate with Him on a personal level. — “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Heb. 4:16) “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (1 Jn. 5:14)

He relates with us as our Father who deeply loves us and cares for us like none other. He’s always working on our behalf for the good (Rom. 8:28). Read the following articles about this approachable God and how we respond when we view Him as such:

This is a God worthy of our full love and devotion. Even when we don’t understand His ways, because of His greatness, we can know that He not only has the power and wisdom to do what is right but the love and compassion to have our best at heart.

We’re blessed with a God who is approachable even though He is so much greater and better than us because He is the sum total of all His attributes, all the time, without fail. For a look at His various traits, order the Our Great God from A to Z Discipleship Tool Download which provides alphabetical renderings of this great yet approachable God.


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