Prayer a Lifestyle? Praying Part of Your Church Culture?


Training Category: Prayer Ministry

To pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) is to make prayer a lifestyle or permanent practice in your life, a part of your church culture. To pray without ceasing is to pray at all times and for all things.

Pray without Ceasing - Lifestyle of Prayer

Setting aside times devoted to concentrated, undistracted prayer in our individual lives and as a church is very important. But, we also need to go through our daily lives attentive to God, consistently asking God His opinion and desires and always giving Him thanks.

To pray without ceasing is what has been called “practicing the presence of God” — always conscious of His presence, turning to Him as a constant companion, making no topic off limits with Him. Keep in mind that we do not need to pray for His presence in our lives. We have His promise that He is already there.

Effectiveness in Prayer Ministry Requires that it be a Permanent Practice

In calling people to prayer, we need to be careful that we are not making prayer come across as a passing fad or following the latest church movement. Prayer needs to be seen as the norm, as the expected response in any and all situations. When prayer is a pattern, we do not just come together for prayer in times of need or crisis. As seen in the example of the early church (Acts 2:42), we will be devoted to prayer wherein we promote a prayer environment and not merely a prayer meeting.

Ways to Model a Lifestyle of Prayer, to Make Praying a Part of Your Church Culture

  • In conversations, ask the person if you can pray with them right then about what was just shared. Soon you may see other pockets of prayer around the church as people follow your example.
  • When someone e-mails you with a prayer request, let them know that you will be praying for them as you send back your reply. You may even type out your prayer or part of it in the e-mail.
  • As you hear or watch the news, silently pray for the current events right then and there or ask those in the room to join with you in prayer.
  • In your sermons or teaching, refer to times when God led you to stop and pray as illustrations when appropriate. People may grab hold of that idea for their own lives.

In addition to this content, the Prayer Ministry Manual looks at what happens when prayer is more a matter of lifestyle, or a pattern, than a sporadic effort. You will also find an assessment using an acrostic of the word “devoted” as we need to be devoted to prayer if it is going to become a permanent practice.

For More on what will help you develop and maintain an effective Prayer Ministry, read the following:

For More About Praying: Resources for Prayer Ministry


Praying on God’s Terms, According to Biblical Principles?


Training Category: Prayer Ministry

Confidence Praying on God's Terms, According to His Will

Prayer was instituted by God as the means of communing with Him. He is the One who determined that prayer would be the way humans would work in cooperation with Him. Prayer is His idea, not ours. Consequently, it is only logical that we come to God on His terms, not ours.

Why Effective Prayer Ministry Adheres to Biblical Principles

  1. God will never contradict Himself in the way He answers prayer.
  2. God is not obligated to respond to prayer that violates His character or Word.

Consequently, the more we come to truly know God in the full essence of His being as depicted in Scripture, the more we will pray in ways that tap into His power.

How to Teach People to Pray on God’s Terms

When you teach on prayer, go beyond the mere commands and principles about praying to the basis for that command or principle in the character of God.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Prov. 9:10)

The fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one rests content untouched by trouble. (Prov. 19:23)

In addition to this content, the Prayer Ministry Manual considers how the fear of the Lord prevents us from living in violation of God’s character and Word and from expecting God to respond to our prayers in ways that contradicts Himself. You will also find a personal assessment for how well you adhere to God’s conditions for praying.

For More on what will help you develop and maintain an effective Prayer Ministry, read the following:

For More About Praying: Resources for Prayer Ministry


Right Purposes for a Prayer Ministry


Training Category: Prayer Ministry

If you want to develop a prayer ministry, personally or with a group, one of the first questions you must ask is “Why?” — What are you hoping to accomplish through it?

Effectiveness in Prayer Requires Having the Right Purposes for Praying

Devoted to Prayer
(Click to enlarge image in Pinterest & repin.)

Maybe you are hoping to see God take care of a list of requests.

You possibly want to see Him do great and mighty things in your midst or to bring revival.

Perhaps you simply want to be obedient to His command to pray.

Or, you may be trying to emulate the early church of the New Testament of whom it was said that they devoted themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42).

While all that and much more can happen as people meet together to pray, you will undoubtedly find a greater level of effectiveness when your purposes are centered more on God than on you. When prayer is about Him and not you, you tend to come to Him with the right heart attitudes. Your role, though important, isn’t primary. If you want people to be devoted to prayer, like the Early Church, you must be focused on the right purposes for having a prayer ministry.

Emphasize the following purposes and watch the difference it makes in your prayer ministry:

  1. Use prayer as a means of keeping focused on God.
  2. Use prayer as a means of acknowledging His grace in your life.
  3. Use prayer as a means of keeping His sovereignty in place in your life.
  4. Use prayer as a means of maintaining your relationship with Him.

Check out the Prayer Ministry Manual where you’ll find some thoughts on the above four points as to what heart attitude we need within each of these purposes and the role we have in it. You will also find a parallel of the above points to Jesus’ sample prayer in Matthew 6 (commonly known as The Lord’s Prayer). And, you will be guided in determining if you, as an individual, or as a prayer group, have the right purposes for praying.

For More on what will help you develop and maintain an effective Prayer Ministry, read the following:

For More About Praying: Resources for Prayer Ministry

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Prayer Ministry an Outgrowth of Relationship


Training Category: Prayer Ministry

Connect with a Personal God in Prayer

To have an effective prayer ministry, whether that be personal or corporate, we must begin on the basis of a personal relationship with God. Praying is rather meaningless and empty if we don’t sense that Someone is seeing, hearing, and caring.

We must understand and value the relational aspect for prayer ministry to be effective. Remember in Luke 11:1-4 when one of the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Our Father …’.” Jesus was teaching the personal and intimate nature of prayer.

To be effective, prayer ministry must be …

more than attending a meeting.

— It is connecting with our heavenly Father.

more than a programmed event or activity.

— It is coming into the presence of the Almighty God.

more than a Christian discipline.

— It is communicating with a living and personal God.

Make your prayer meetings or prayer efforts about relationship, not merely praying requests. Words are shallow and meaningless when there is no sense of connection. You’ll find that when God Himself is the main attraction, you won’t need gimmicks or arm-twisting to keep people coming.

Order the Prayer Ministry Manual for a study on each of the above points involved in the relational aspect of prayer — connecting, coming into His presence, and communicating.

For More on what will help you develop and maintain an effective Prayer Ministry, read the following:

For More About Praying: Resources for Prayer Ministry

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Teaching Prayer by Example Requires Availability

(Click image to enlarge in Pinterest & repin.)
(Click image to enlarge in Pinterest & repin.)

When the disciple asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He was ready to instruct them in this teachable moment.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say . . .” (Lk. 11:1-4)

Jesus obviously was approachable. The disciple felt the freedom to ask Jesus to mentor them in prayer. Jesus was available in the past to answer their questions or concerns, sometimes even before they asked.

Notice the words “when he finished.” There was a direct correlation between Jesus praying and their request. They saw Him praying. They were ready to learn. He responded immediately. A timely response is so important in using these kinds of teachable moments. Jesus did not put them off to a more convenient time for Him. He knew verbal instruction would best be received when they were ready.

Because they were ready to receive instruction, Jesus then went into applicational mode — “WHEN you pray, say …” He expected that they would indeed pray.

For Personal Reflection: Do you make yourself available to these kinds of teachable moments or do you put people off until you are ready?

Resource:  Discipling Students to Pray Worksheet


Teaching Prayer by Example Requires Consistency


The disciples observed Jesus preach, teach, and heal but we do not read in Scripture where they asked Him to teach them to preach, teach, or heal. They did, however, ask Him to teach them how to pray.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say . . .” (Lk. 11:1-4)

Could it be that Jesus made it so obvious that prayer was central to all else they might do that they saw this as their greatest need? He so consistently prayed that they undoubtedly learned that prayer was the means to tap into the power source for any and all kinds of ministry.

(Click image to enlarge in Pinterest & repin.)
(Click image to enlarge in Pinterest & repin.)

Jesus’ Consistency in Praying Got Their Attention.

Though Jesus did verbally teach about praying (Matt. 5:43-45; 6:7-14; Luke 10:2; 11:5-13; 18:9-14), He seemed to have really gotten the disciples’ attention by how He prayed, helping them see their need to also make prayer a priority.

The day referenced in Luke 11 when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray was not the first time the disciples saw Jesus praying. Notice some of the examples recorded in Luke leading up to that day.

  • Jesus prayed when he was baptized (Lk. 3:21).
  • Jesus spent the night praying prior to choosing the twelve disciples (Lk. 6:12).
  • Jesus “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Lk. 5:16).
  • Jesus offered prayers of thanksgiving when feeding the 5000 (Lk. 9:16).
  • Jesus would pray in private when His disciples were with him (Lk. 9:18).
  • Jesus was praying when He was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John (Lk. 9:29).
  • He prayed spontaneously after the disciples returned from their missions trip (Lk. 10:21).

Jesus’ Consistency in Praying Reinforced What He Taught Them.

The day referenced in Luke 11 when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray was not the last time the disciples would see Jesus praying. Having seen Him praying up to that point led to a teachable moment where they were ready to learn more about praying. The instruction they received that day would be further reinforced by what they would yet see, especially in Jesus’ darkest hour. Here are some examples:

  • Jesus gave thanks for the bread during their Passover celebration which He said represented His body which would be broken for them (Lk. 22:19).
  • Jesus told Peter that He prayed for him that his faith would not fail in light of how he would betray Jesus (Lk. 22:32).
  • Jesus agonized in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane with some of the disciples close by him (Lk. 22:40-46).
  • Jesus prayed for the people crucifying Him that the Father would forgive them (Lk. 23:34).
  • Jesus called out to the Father as He hung on the cross dying (Lk. 23:46).
  • Jesus gave thanks when breaking bread with His disciples after His resurrection (Lk. 24:30).
  • Jesus lifted up His hands to bless the disciples right before He ascended to heaven (Lk. 24:50-51).

Imagine the lessons the disciples learned about the importance of prayer as they watched their Messiah praying even in death. What they had seen before in the good and busy days of ministry and what they had heard Him say when they asked Him to teach them to pray, was reinforced exponentially as He remained consistent in prayer to the very end.

For Personal Reflection: Do you tend to let circumstances affect your prayer life or are you consistent in praying regardless of how busy or stressed you might be?
