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Can’t Do Church as Usual?


We’re looking at a number of priorities for the Church to fulfill our purpose to love God and others.

Church Purpose & Priorities Remain When Can't Do Church as Usual

Click on the links below if you haven’t read the posts showing biblical reasons these practices should be a priority for the Church and in our personal lives.

Christian Nurture

Our purpose to love God and others doesn’t change regardless of circumstances or what is happening in the world around us. Even if we can’t meet as a local church, this purpose remains. Under adverse conditions, we actually have greater opportunity to demonstrate God’s love. But, that won’t happen if we think “church as usual” is the only way we can accomplish these priorities.

What happens to these biblical priorities if we can’t do Church as usual?

This is a good time to re-examine how we view Church.

  • If it’s all about our programs and the building we meet in, then we’re going to find ourselves in a dilemma.
  • But, if the Church truly is about ministry and providing opportunities for people to know and love God and demonstrate His love to people, we just have to get a bit creative.

We are still the Church. The programs we have to accomplish these priorities aren’t what make us the Church. These priorities remain priorities. Live streaming is one way many churches are using but not everyone is set up for it and that certainly is not the only way to continue on. We can still shepherd people and provide the support and encouragement people need. Regularly communicate with people by phone, texting, e-mail, social media, and yes, even snail mail.

Encourage People to Be the Church Where They Are

Encourage people in your church to look for ways they can individually and as families live out these various means to show love for God and people. Provide, or at least point them to helpful resources. Think creatively about how to communicate God’s purposes and how these priorities continue to be priorities. — “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Heb. 10:24)

Here are just a few things we can encourage people toward. Click on links below for various helps already on the site. The links go to resource pages with articles and books you can pass along to others in your church.

Benevolence – help neighbors in need; give to those in financial distress as you are able

Christian Nurture – good time to get into the practice of personal study of God’s Word; share what you’re learning with someone else as a means of encouragement

Fellowship – phone, texting, e-mail, social media

Outreach – be the salt and light by how you respond in adverse circumstances

Prayer – pray for and with people over the phone

Worship – watch services live streamed but also use available platforms to testify of God’s goodness and grace during this time

In Acts 2:42-47, we read that the Early Church was so devoted to accomplishing these priorities that they met daily with one another. Though that might not be happening today, we’re in a unique position from the Early Church. We have technology they didn’t have … like phones and the Internet. Let’s seek God’s wisdom on how to creatively use it for ministry. Who knows, if we, as the Church, get back to what truly makes us the Church, perhaps we too will be able to say “and the Lord added to their number” (Acts 2:47).

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